I am trying in vain to upload pictures to this post. It's making me crazy. I have some stitching pictures and adorable animal photos (that I know everyone wants to see...ha ha!). Blogger seems to be letting me upload one at a time...groan. Whew, that was painful but here are the photos!
This is the neighbor's barn. I took this photo while standing in the sunroom a little while ago. It's cold and snowy here today.

Didn't Mother Nature get the memo? It's supposed to be warmer than 18 degrees!!! I really wish that Spring would get here. We are tired of the cold and white stuff. Yesterday, it thunderstormed. Today it's snowing and right now, it's windy and sunny. Wait another 5 minutes and the weather will change again...
Now on to some stitching...see, I told you I was working on stuff just not the stuff I told you I was working on. I took a break from Sarah and Time and Seasons and the Stitcher's Wallet (although I did put a few more stitches into the border on the third panel on Friday). I had a few smaller pieces going from late last year and I thought that I would stitch on them to see if I could actually finish something this year! I needed a quick fix and a diversion from big projects.
This is a Mary Garry design from an old Just Cross Stitch magazine (April 1999).
Mary Garry DesignsJust Cross Stitch Magazine (April 1999)
32ct Lambswool Linen
GAST and DMC thread
I (and half the stitching world) am now obssessed with her patterns. I started this pincushion before Christmas and it, like everything else, eventually works it's way to the bottom of the pile. Since Sarah is on vacation and the other projects are quiet, I thought I could finish her today. I think I want to try to make this into a mattress style pincushion.
The funny thing about this pattern is that it's the first thing I have ever stitched from a JCS magazine and the second piece I've ever stitched from any cross stitch magazine. I have a bizzillion cross stitch magazines and many copies of JCS, most are dog-earred from use and marking future patterns but mainly, once I get through reading them, I file them away and forget about them. Do you do that?
Next is Bluebird's Needle's and Pins from the Blackbird Design's, With Needle and Thread booklet.
Bluebird's Needle's and PinsBlackbird Designs -With Needle and Thread
32ct Golden Harvest Linen - Silkweaver
Olde Willow Threads, GAST, WDW thread
I really like the vintage feel about this little pincushion. I will finish it like the one in the book. I found a nice little button to go on it and I have some ric-rack too. I love ric-rack. It reminds me of the 50's and a little dress trimmed in navy ric-rack that I had when I was a little girl. And yes, I did find crushed walnut shell bird litter at the local PetSmart. Unfortunately, it only comes in 6 pound bags so I have a lot of filler to use up.
And, I have stitched the alphabet design from this book for an exchange so this book has and will see more use.
Last is Blackbird Designs, Where My Heart Blooms. I really fell in love with this pattern but not so much with the linen I am stitching it on. It's R&R linen, Korty's Special Blend, and it's very, very stiff. I am finding that as I continue to work on it, the linen is softening up from the heat of my hands. I've been working on this piece off and on for the last couple of weeks. It's moving quickly.
Where My Heart Blooms
Blackbird Designs - Loose Feather's #29
30ct R&R Linen - Korty's Special Blend
WDW Thread
Notice the scissor fob? I wanted to include it in this picture because it was a lovely, thoughtful gift from my sweet friend, Sue of Liv 'N Laf. She sent it to me a few months ago and every time I took pictures, I forgot to include it in the photographs. Well today, I remembered. It's constructed of lovely sky/sea blue stones that remind me of beach glass. I really love it and the little scissors she sent with it. Don't you just love it too?
Now Chrissy the Wonderdog has the right idea. I think I may join her by taking a nap after I post this entry.

Have a great Sunday!