I'm back.
Been awhile since I blogged. Many things are going on which take up in-ordinate amounts of energy, effort and time. I hate it when life gets in the way of stitching!
I have a couple of updates, no finishes :-( yet, but you can at least see what I've been stitching. Mainly, I've been ripping and fixing.
Here's John Foster 1885. As you recall, John and I had a torrid love affair at the start of our relationship that rapidly cooled when he broke my heart cause I mis-counted his beehive.
That really put a bee in MY bonnet! We are taking it slow. I removed his Quaker motif and hive and have begun to re-stitch the hive.

Next up is Prairie Year. I am almost done with the bunny for April but as you can see February's Heart motif is only half done. I can't motivate myself to stitch on that month. I told myself that whenever I work on this project, I will put 2 strands of red into February. As you recall, (
ahem) I over stitched March's shamrock motif by 10 stitches so that had to be ripped and fixed. That motif is done and is the correct size. Yea.

Last is the Beatrix Potter Quaker sampler. I love Quakers and currently, I have 4 of them in my Wip pile, Sarah Tatum, Beatrix, the Quaker RR and a sampler from the Needleworker magazine. When Beatrix came home to live with me, I had to stitch a little with that lovely terra cotta silk that came with her. So, I stitched the outlines of a couple of motifs. Last night, hearing her insistant whimpering, I pulled her from her bag and finished her first motif. I love the color but I know it's not for everyone. And of course, blogger will not load this photo...G-r-r-r...so you'll have to wait until blogger finishes it's hissy.
A couple of pictures of my husband's sweetie girl...don't you think she looks comfy and is the Queen of Everything! She is really spoiled and just loves
HER David. She's not big on sharing him, if I try to get near him when she is on his lap, she will take a swipe at me.

Lastly, a photo of me and the kid in his uniform. His detachment had a *Dining Out* that we were invited to, a very formal affair. That's where they teach the cadets how to act in a social setting and perform the AirForce ROTC ceremonies. It was back in October, but I finally uploaded the picture. I am not fond of any photos of me but I thought you'd like a face to go with the name.

Danielle posted on her blog that she felt like an *armchair stitcher*. I have to agree, I feel like that too many times. There is so much to stitch and so little time to stitch all of it. I've decided not to worry about it though and enjoy the process. I've obsessed over the size of my stash and wondered how everyone could stitch so much, so quickly. I've decided that this is my therapy, my fun and my pleasure, so if I want to stitch it, I WILL!
Now, isn't that the right frame of mind?