I want to thank Siohban (Notes From Blue Hen Hollow) for bestowing this Fab-U-LOUS bloggie award on me.
I am touched and well, quite pleased. Thanks Siohban.!
If you haven't checked out Notes From Blue Hen Hollow, you must leave my site now and go visit Siohban. You will be rocked by HER world! So, GO! SHOO!! Come back here later!!!
Oh, and I have to list 5 of my addictions...geez...there's so many but I'll give it a whirl:
- Stitching & Stash...it's like bread and water to me. Can't have enough stash. And it's a day without sunshine if I don't stitch!
- Horses...love, love, love them!
- Chocolate...a new obsession. It's healing powers are a salve to my soul.
- The silly internet and all your fabulous blogs! I spend WAY too much time reading your adventures and stopping by on the forums.
- French Vanilla coffee...I start my day with a 20 oz tankard of Green Mountain French Vanilla. Ah, the nectar of the gods.
I'm supposed to tag 5 others...so here goes. If you've been tagged already that's ok.
I hope you will play. But if you don't that's ok too.
Next is my progress picture of Bea that I promised oh, about a week ago. I LOVE this sampler and I am already planning on stitching her companion. I believe I am about 1/2 way done with Bea. I can't put her down.
I made it to my Weight Watcher meeting and unfortunately, the scale was not tipped in my favor. I gained a pound. Oh, you might say, big deal, it's only a pound. But you see, this pound leaves and comes back. And it's brought 9 of it's closest friends who've taken up residence on my caboose and kanga-pouch stomach. They've stayed. The one pound comes and goes. I am going to evict them all and the other 25 too that have decided that they are safe. The mantra at the meeting this week was...THIS IS MY YEAR!! And it will be!
I got on the treadmill yesterday and I have a date with it today. I am setting a weekly goal of one pound. And I am journaling...and I hate it but it's accountability. No sneaking a taste of cheese danish or a handful of crackers without writing it down. It's an eye opener when what you've mindlessly put into your mouth is documented on paper. I've done very well on the program when I've journaled so I think that's the key to my success.
Lastly, I want to say...GO STEELERS!!!! It's going to be Sixburgh tomorrow night!

Thanks for coming by and visiting Joanie's World. Leave a comment to say hi!