So, the Extreme Home Makeover has begun. The construction crew has been at it for a week. Of course, the weather has turned cold and snowy.
While the boys were demolishing the gutters, soffits and fascia, they discovered that we have water damage. Seems our roof is worse that what we expected. We sorta knew that but were hoping that we could hold off doing the roof for another year or two. Not the case. So, we are getting a new roof too. An unexpected event that cut deep into my cash reserve. But what are you going to do? One needs a roof and if it's not replaced then all this new work will be compromised.
On the stitching front, I have been noodling with my stitching plans. This is the entry in my Stitching Journal for 2/9:
I think I should make a dream rotation and then split it in two and work each rotation bi-monthly. It's a thought and I might get everything that I want stitched either started or I will at least I will satisfy my urge to start a lot of patterns. I should also make a list of WIPs here too.
These are my *identified* (ahem) WIPs:
The Castle
Welcome Spot
Twined Hearts
Bring It On
Real Roses
Wild Roses
Time & Seasons
Tree of Life
Heirloom Wedding
Charmed Hearts
Stitching Chair Necessaire
Plaid Heart
Tocatta I
Scared Silly
Gentle Harvest
I know there has to be more lurking about in various bags, boxes and baskets.
So, if I had my ultimate stitching rotation, this is what it would contain:
Ultimate Stitching Rotation:
Drawn Thread slot - Welcome Spot Sampler
Prairie Schooler slot - Prairie Year & Prairie Birds
Over one slot - Two Red Houses - Little House Needleworks
Chester County Collection slot - Elizabeth Pusey or Rebecca Townsend
Quaker Sampler Slot - Sarah Tatum, The Needlework Quaker Sampler, Quaker RR
Memorial Sampler slot - Armada, Nellie's Garden Revisited, Wild Roses
Stitching Accessory slot - Berries & Pins - Carriage House Samplings
Holiday Slot - Scared Silly - BOAF, Trix or Treats - Blackbird Designs, Snowmen designs,
Christmas slot - Heirloom Christmas - Victoria Sampler,
Whimsical design slot - Farmer Rabbit & Mrs Farmer Rabbit - Fanci That
House Sampler Slot - Tree of Life Sampler, Hillside School of Needlework - Hillside Samplings
Exchange Slot - Catherine's Armchair Pinkeep - Indigo Rose,
Lottery II -
Current WIP slot - Time & Seasons - Moira Blackburn
Reproduction Sampler Slot -
Ornament Slot -
Fun Piece slot - Miss Mary Mack - La-D-Da Designs, Bring It On - JABC
Decorative pieces - Lizzie Kate Cottage Boxers made into pillows
Alphabet Sampler - FAS
Redwork Sampler -
Freebie Slot - N is for Needles
Sample of my own design -
Marking Sampler Slot -
School Girls Sampler - Emma Jane Baker - Chester County Collections
Calendar Series - Bent Creek Snappers
Noah Ark Samplers -
Almost Done Slot -
Just Because Slot -
Biblical samplers -
Mike's Slot - Air Force, The Castle - Teresa Wentzler
What would it be like to have a 30 slot rotation? Not a rotation in the classic sense, since I am a self-avowed SCREAMER. But to start designs just because I want to, I like them and who cares when they get finished as long as they are for Moi?
DO I DARE HAVE A GUILT FREE MARCH? Will I go nuts after I started it and regret starting all these projects? Can I keep my sanity and not look at all these projects as a chore but as open ended projects? I really want to start all of these pieces, there are a number of patterns that I absolutely want to stitch in this lifetime. DO I DARE???
So,dear blog reader, what do you think? Should I go for it?
Comments welcome.