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Sunday, May 28, 2006

When will I stitch again...

Remember that song from the 80's that went...When will I see you again? Well, just insert stitch and there you have it for me! I haven't touched a needle in 2 weeks. It's been insane!

I went to a class in Jamestown NY for auditor training. I thought that I would have some time in the evening to stitch a little bit cause there's nothing to do in Jamestown. The sidewalks roll up at 7:00PM and to be perfectly honest, I am not that adventurous when I am in an unfamiliar place so I tend to stay close to the hotel. So I figured, hotel room = evening stitching. Wrong! I had HOMEWORK that took most of the evenings to complete and there was a TEST at the end of the class that I had to study no stitching for me.

Because I have been away for a week, this three day weekend has been spent preparing for the in-laws to visit next week. Add my son to the mix, he descending on the house, dropping off a year's worth of stuff from college. Well, you get the picture, I've done nothing but laundry and getting the house ready for company. No stitching again.

So, I go blogging and I see everyone's creations and finishes and I am green with envy. I am living vicariously through everyone's needlework.

Ok, can I have some WHINE with my cheese?

Maybe I will get to stitch NEXT weekend. Ya think?


Cathy B said...

Good luck with everything - your son moving home, visit from the in-laws, etc. You will get to stitch again - I'm sure of it! :)

Von said...

Poor Joanie! All that hotel time wasted studying. Well, I'm sure you did very well on your test and you will enjoy your guests. Perhaps you'll be able to sit with them in the evenings putting a few stitches in. :D

Casa Pearl said...

You know, I hadn't picked up a needle in more than a week and it was weird but I really think I needed a break. Don't stress over - you have enough to worry about with the boy wonder and the in laws decending! Don't beat your self up - you will pick up the needle when it calls to you again! Hugs to you!

Joanie said...

whine, whine, whine....the boy wonder is leaving for the state of Washington for the entire month of June, so he has a dispensation for his obnoxious behavior. Can't help but love the little bugger.

I am so tired...I'll stitch soon :-)

Casa Pearl said...

Joanie - do you have any plans to attend CATS in Hershey at the end of September?