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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Wigged Out

I am sorry to say that I am really wigged out. You see we are big news watchers. I think we watch 3 hours of CNN a night and I've got to tell you, I am to the point where I do not want to watch or read any more news. I know that it sounds like I want to bury my head in the sand or go to bed with the covers over my head. That's not true. I just think I am overloaded by bad news.

The worsing job situation is going to visit my house soon. The DH came home today and told me that he will in all probability lose his job by May. Retirement will be 3 months earlier than we planned. He is hoping they will give a severence package but he's not holding his breath. My company has circled the wagons and there is no money for extras. This quarter will be soft. I am hoping the execs are right and we rebound in the 3rd quarter. But you never know what will come. We are better off than many companies right now but who knows how long that will last?

We've also are pinching pennies. I've been very careful with our money (except for that retail therapy lapse a few weeks ago) and I am planning our meals, eating leftovers and trying everything to save, save, save. There is no room for frills, vacations, movies. I know that we are like many others, we live paycheck to paycheck. Our 401Ks are now 101Ks and I am working hard to get out of debt.

I just wish I didn't feel so out of control. We've played by the rules all our lives and yes, we've made financial mistakes. I can live with that fact. I just feel like we are at the mercy of some boogie man who I can't see, name or run from.

Damn economy.


Barb said...

So sorry to hear about your job situation. The mess that we're in right now just seems so surreal and unbelievable at times. How could this happen in this day and age??? My husband is a federal employee and his program was going to get cut last year, but got a reprieve. Don't know what the new budget will do to his job yet. We know that there is a possibility that he will have to retire early too. We have 1 kid in college and another on the way. Somehow we'll muddle through. We are certainly just middle class, but much better off than so many others.

Yes, we are just at the mercy of the invisible boogie man...

Laura said...

Hang in there!!! It is really scary right now; but I think things will improve. I hope that your hubby gets a severence package. A really good thing about our hobby is that we could stitch forever out of our stash! Right? Thinking of you and sending good wishes for you to feel better.

Von said...

Joanie, I don't watch the news much at all, except for some local stuff, because, like you, I get overwhelmed by it all. There's enough to handle in my life without taking on burdens that do not belong to me. Here's hoping the economy rebounds in the near future.

Siobhán said...

I used to listen to news radio programs here, then watch Fox News, NBC Nightly News & Anderson Cooper--the three things that are broadcast live from the US and we get here in Ireland. I have stopped watching almost all of it, and the radio went off back in September. I can't control the economy. I can only try to make wise choices and be careful with our money. Hang in there, gf.