I'm really, really tired. Tonight is my sal on Autumn Leaves with Patti and Cathy. I haven't picked up a needle in a week or so and I am in a bit of a slump. It'll pass. I know why....it's this damn house. The contractor called today and basically told us that he can not purchase the windows that I chose at Pella because I chose the most expensive ones and they will eat his profit. Profit....my house has been in a state of disrepair for a year. A YEAR. The contractor has not worked on my house since July. He came at the end of August and said that he is out of control, took too much work and doesn't have enough guys to handle it. My husband gave him a pass. Let him off the hook. And now...not only do I have to pay MORE, I get nothing for my aggravation, frustration and time. Penalized not only in time but in my pocket. I do not have 5K extra to throw at this project and I think that I deserve some sort of compensation. He sounded so smug on the phone. I am mad and completely taken back because I have been nothing but kind to him and we put up with lies and excuses for the last 9 months.
I am sorry for the rant.
I have been blog hopping though, reveling in everyone's accomplishments. It's nice to see all the great things everyone's stitching.
Tonight is Halloween. We do not get any trick or treaters because we live on a country road and there are not many kids that live on the road. I miss Trick or Treaters. I love the holiday. It's really one of my favorite days. When we lived in Apalachin, we'd get the neighborhood kids and I couldn't wait to see them. It reminds me of my childhood. My Mom liked Halloween too and she made it a fun time for my brother and me. Gosh, I miss my Mom.
So, Happy Halloween....enjoy the ghosts and goblins, princesses and superheroes.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Correction to the bourse instructions
Sorry for the inconvenience....I found a typo...and I wanted to add an additional instruction.
1. After you stitch the backing fabric to your linen and before you turn the piece inside out, trim the seam about a 1/4 inch and clip the corners on a diagonal so that the corners will be square.
2. THIS IS THE BIG CORRECTION. Turn down the corners 2 inches. In the instructions, it states to turn the corners down an inch. That's too small. It should be 2 inches. Otherwise the corners will look really wonky and your bourse won't look right closed.
Sorry, sorry.....
1. After you stitch the backing fabric to your linen and before you turn the piece inside out, trim the seam about a 1/4 inch and clip the corners on a diagonal so that the corners will be square.
2. THIS IS THE BIG CORRECTION. Turn down the corners 2 inches. In the instructions, it states to turn the corners down an inch. That's too small. It should be 2 inches. Otherwise the corners will look really wonky and your bourse won't look right closed.
Sorry, sorry.....
Friday, October 27, 2006
How to make a bourse
I've had a number of requests for instructions on how I made my Halloween bourse. Making a bourse is so easy!!! I hand stitched mine cause I hate my machine.
You need:
A piece of cotton fabric in a print of your choice
Your needlework
Thin cording or ribbon
4 buttons
Essentially, the bourse is a square with the corners turned down (like dog ears)so the linen is showing.
Stitch something about 4-5 inches in size (about the size of an ornie or just a bit bigger) My design was about 41/2 inches square. I decided that I wanted about 4 inches of linen around the design to make the bourse. So, I cut my fabric 12 1/2 inches square.
I also cut my cotton fabric the same size.
With right sides together, I backstitched a 1/2 inch border around the entire square leaving an opening for turning.
Turn your piece right side out and press.
Stitch the opening closed.
Fold down each corner about an inch so that the linen is showing. (like a dog-ear). I used a ruler to measure each side of the triangle to make sure that the corners were even.
Stitch a 3/8" channel across the dog ear corner to thread the cording or ribbon through. I marked a line with a hard pencil and backstitched across the line.
Stitch a button on each corner. Don't stitch the button on the corner to the purse though.
Thread a 2 lengths of ribbon through the channel on each side so that you can draw up the bourse. Knot the ends and add a charm or button to the cording or ribbon. I used a couple of ghost charms that I picked up at the craft store.
When you gather up the bourse tuck the ends in so that they aren't *open*.
There ya go! You have a bourse!
If you have questions, let me know and I will try to explain. If you look at the pictures on my post and I think you'll understand my instructions. If not, I'll try to take some photos to illustrate it better.
You need:
A piece of cotton fabric in a print of your choice
Your needlework
Thin cording or ribbon
4 buttons
Essentially, the bourse is a square with the corners turned down (like dog ears)so the linen is showing.
Stitch something about 4-5 inches in size (about the size of an ornie or just a bit bigger) My design was about 41/2 inches square. I decided that I wanted about 4 inches of linen around the design to make the bourse. So, I cut my fabric 12 1/2 inches square.
I also cut my cotton fabric the same size.
With right sides together, I backstitched a 1/2 inch border around the entire square leaving an opening for turning.
Turn your piece right side out and press.
Stitch the opening closed.
Fold down each corner about an inch so that the linen is showing. (like a dog-ear). I used a ruler to measure each side of the triangle to make sure that the corners were even.
Stitch a 3/8" channel across the dog ear corner to thread the cording or ribbon through. I marked a line with a hard pencil and backstitched across the line.
Stitch a button on each corner. Don't stitch the button on the corner to the purse though.
Thread a 2 lengths of ribbon through the channel on each side so that you can draw up the bourse. Knot the ends and add a charm or button to the cording or ribbon. I used a couple of ghost charms that I picked up at the craft store.
When you gather up the bourse tuck the ends in so that they aren't *open*.
There ya go! You have a bourse!
If you have questions, let me know and I will try to explain. If you look at the pictures on my post and I think you'll understand my instructions. If not, I'll try to take some photos to illustrate it better.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Dining Out
Yesterday, David and I drove to Rochester to attend the ROTC Dining Out. It was great! The dinner was delicious and the guest speaker was very motivating. The guest speaker received the Medal of Honor for his service in Viet Nam. Hearing him speak was something! He spoke on leadership and the group was mesmerized by his account of the circumstances that lead up to receiving the Medal of Honor.
My son has turned into quite the cadet.

He had some surprises for us, because he is the highest ranked Cadet, he got to sit at the head table. He was part of the 4 cadets that performed the MIA ceremony which was very moving, participated in the skit that the Cadet's put together and he had to drink from the *Grog* bowl 2 times. Yuck. The grog is made out of whatever the senior cadets decide to put into at stainless steel toilet bowl. The cadets are *called out* by someone who has *witnessed* a social faux pas or a breach in protocol. The infraction is descibed by a poem. The person called out has a chance to rebut the request to go to the bowl. Most of time they have to go to the bowl anyway. The drink had gross things mixed together, olive oil, V-8 juice, a jar of pickles, molasses, honey, a malt drink, coffee, a candy bar described as doggie duty...you get the idea. They must drink at least a 1/3 of a glass of this stuff after saluting the *Mess*. Better him than me! It's all in good fun though and even though the concoction is gross.
Mike and Matt:

All of us...

We had a great time!
Today, we took Mike shopping and to lunch. All too soon, it was time to head home and leave him at his apartment. I miss him very much but he's doing well. And before I know it, it will be Thanksgiving and he'll be home for 2 weeks!
I took Prairie Schooler's Autumn Leaves with me to stitch in the car but who was I kidding! Over one in the car with a clip on magnifier equals car sickness. So no stitching for me on this trip. I worked a little on it at the hotel, I am not sure I like what I've done, I don't believe that I have the correct tension. Filling in colors doesn't look right, so I think I am going to try to park threads instead of doing an area of one color and filling in the blank stitches with another color. If any of you over one experts have any tips, please leave comments!
Thanks again for visiting, I look forward to reading your posts!
My son has turned into quite the cadet.

He had some surprises for us, because he is the highest ranked Cadet, he got to sit at the head table. He was part of the 4 cadets that performed the MIA ceremony which was very moving, participated in the skit that the Cadet's put together and he had to drink from the *Grog* bowl 2 times. Yuck. The grog is made out of whatever the senior cadets decide to put into at stainless steel toilet bowl. The cadets are *called out* by someone who has *witnessed* a social faux pas or a breach in protocol. The infraction is descibed by a poem. The person called out has a chance to rebut the request to go to the bowl. Most of time they have to go to the bowl anyway. The drink had gross things mixed together, olive oil, V-8 juice, a jar of pickles, molasses, honey, a malt drink, coffee, a candy bar described as doggie duty...you get the idea. They must drink at least a 1/3 of a glass of this stuff after saluting the *Mess*. Better him than me! It's all in good fun though and even though the concoction is gross.
Mike and Matt:

All of us...

We had a great time!
Today, we took Mike shopping and to lunch. All too soon, it was time to head home and leave him at his apartment. I miss him very much but he's doing well. And before I know it, it will be Thanksgiving and he'll be home for 2 weeks!
I took Prairie Schooler's Autumn Leaves with me to stitch in the car but who was I kidding! Over one in the car with a clip on magnifier equals car sickness. So no stitching for me on this trip. I worked a little on it at the hotel, I am not sure I like what I've done, I don't believe that I have the correct tension. Filling in colors doesn't look right, so I think I am going to try to park threads instead of doing an area of one color and filling in the blank stitches with another color. If any of you over one experts have any tips, please leave comments!
Thanks again for visiting, I look forward to reading your posts!
Friday's news
sorry that this post is in lower case, my computer's backspace key is stuck and i spend an inordinate amount of time correcting my typing. i don't type well to begin with so this is an added frustration.
i didn't do much stitching this week, i've been in a rather cranky mood and stitching would have frustrated me. the only thing i've done was put together my bourse and worked on the prairie schooler design. it's coming along nicely and i am finding it quite relaxing to stitch. i am almost 1/2 way done now and it's really hard to put down. i'll post a picture soon.
tomorrow, we are going to rochester to mike's rotc detachments dining out. it's where they teach the cadets how to behave at a formal Air Force function, there's a flag ceremony and an mia ceremony too. we get a great dinner, a presentation, a skit and the cadets get called to the *grog* bowl. it's a garbage drink (literally) served from a toilet bowl. better them than me! but i am looking forward to seeing the kid and spending time with him on saturday. i hope to get some nice photos so i'll share with you. i have a lot to prepare for though, i have to get our clothes together and i must find a suitable project to stitch on during the ride up and back. something on a large-ish count fabric because i have old eyes. it's always fun picking out something new to stitch!
i didn't do much stitching this week, i've been in a rather cranky mood and stitching would have frustrated me. the only thing i've done was put together my bourse and worked on the prairie schooler design. it's coming along nicely and i am finding it quite relaxing to stitch. i am almost 1/2 way done now and it's really hard to put down. i'll post a picture soon.
tomorrow, we are going to rochester to mike's rotc detachments dining out. it's where they teach the cadets how to behave at a formal Air Force function, there's a flag ceremony and an mia ceremony too. we get a great dinner, a presentation, a skit and the cadets get called to the *grog* bowl. it's a garbage drink (literally) served from a toilet bowl. better them than me! but i am looking forward to seeing the kid and spending time with him on saturday. i hope to get some nice photos so i'll share with you. i have a lot to prepare for though, i have to get our clothes together and i must find a suitable project to stitch on during the ride up and back. something on a large-ish count fabric because i have old eyes. it's always fun picking out something new to stitch!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Halloween bourse & other photos
Before I share some photos, I want to tell you that as of right now, the only credit card that was compromised was the one I wrote about in the previous post. I talked with the Credit Union folks this morning and there was no activity on our joint card this weekend. What a relief! Plus, I was worried about our checking and savings account but they are safe. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts. It's been a roller coaster of a day...
Now, for some photos...
This is my Halloween Sweetbag that I made for the exchange on Legacy. I don't believe my partner reads my blog so I decided to post it early. I just wanted to share! It's a Halloween bourse. I love it. It's so small. I hope my partner likes it as much as I do! I had a great time making it. It's all handsewn cause I hate my machine with a passion. It wasn't difficult to sew either which is always a plus! (Oh, and I painted the Halloween pumpkin patch in the backround.)
The bourse closed:

The bourse opened:

I stitched that cute witch from Mary Garry's Seasonal Momentoes again. I just love that little witch! She is pretty sweet.
I've made some good progress stitching Prairie Schooler's Autumn Leaves. Cathy, Patti and I are doing a SAL together. I worked on it tonight, even though our day to stitch this design is Tuesday. Tomorrow, I have a hair appointment and won't be home till late in the evening so I allowed myself to stitch on it. This photo is my progress from last week.

Tonight, I finished up the words on the top 1/2 of the design. I am doing it over one and I absolutely love how it's working up. I am using Ruth Sparrow's over one method and it's a fabulous technique. I loathed over one stitching but no more! Ruth's method is super easy and I am stitching on evenweave so my stitches are fairly uniform. I have to work on my tension a bit and I also have to let my needle drop to untwist. Over all, I am very happy with how this piece is coming along. What do you think?
Next up is our little Sweetie...I caught her napping in the sun on Sunday and I just had to take her picture! Isn't see adorable?

Lastly, this is my hubby and Anantha with our horse, Joey. Anantha is from India and came here for a month to learn part of David's job...yes, outsourcing to India. She is a sweet girl, very soft spoken and quiet. She was a delight! We spent the evening and have dinner together. She never saw a horse up close and personal and she was a little scared. But in the end, she touched Joey's nose and gave him some carrots. Joey loves to have his photo taken, the big ham!!!

So that's what's cooking at my house. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me comments. I love visiting with you!
Now, for some photos...
This is my Halloween Sweetbag that I made for the exchange on Legacy. I don't believe my partner reads my blog so I decided to post it early. I just wanted to share! It's a Halloween bourse. I love it. It's so small. I hope my partner likes it as much as I do! I had a great time making it. It's all handsewn cause I hate my machine with a passion. It wasn't difficult to sew either which is always a plus! (Oh, and I painted the Halloween pumpkin patch in the backround.)
The bourse closed:

The bourse opened:

I stitched that cute witch from Mary Garry's Seasonal Momentoes again. I just love that little witch! She is pretty sweet.
I've made some good progress stitching Prairie Schooler's Autumn Leaves. Cathy, Patti and I are doing a SAL together. I worked on it tonight, even though our day to stitch this design is Tuesday. Tomorrow, I have a hair appointment and won't be home till late in the evening so I allowed myself to stitch on it. This photo is my progress from last week.

Tonight, I finished up the words on the top 1/2 of the design. I am doing it over one and I absolutely love how it's working up. I am using Ruth Sparrow's over one method and it's a fabulous technique. I loathed over one stitching but no more! Ruth's method is super easy and I am stitching on evenweave so my stitches are fairly uniform. I have to work on my tension a bit and I also have to let my needle drop to untwist. Over all, I am very happy with how this piece is coming along. What do you think?
Next up is our little Sweetie...I caught her napping in the sun on Sunday and I just had to take her picture! Isn't see adorable?

Lastly, this is my hubby and Anantha with our horse, Joey. Anantha is from India and came here for a month to learn part of David's job...yes, outsourcing to India. She is a sweet girl, very soft spoken and quiet. She was a delight! We spent the evening and have dinner together. She never saw a horse up close and personal and she was a little scared. But in the end, she touched Joey's nose and gave him some carrots. Joey loves to have his photo taken, the big ham!!!

So that's what's cooking at my house. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me comments. I love visiting with you!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Well, what a weekend...
I had a good weekend, up until 3:30AM Sunday morning when the phone rang. Hearts in our throats, David got up to answer it. It's very unnerving to be woken up out of a dead sleep, clawing out of that dreamland state to consciousness - to that spot where you aren't sure if you still are sleeping or if you are actually awake. Once you realize that you definitely are awake, many thoughts assault you...is Mike OK? Is it the police calling to tell you that you need to go to the hospital or that he's dead? GOD FORBID! Or that something terrible has happened to your in-laws, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters? No, nothing that bad happened last night. But it wasn't a wrong number either, which one hopes it is at 3:30AM.
Western Union was calling. To ask if we had a particular card because there was a suspicious transaction about to occur or had already occurred.
Someone overseas has my credit card information. My DH doesn't know that I have this card so he told the person on the other end that he didn't have that card. He came to bed, and me..realizing that I didn't lose someone dear to my heart, sorta fell back to sleep. He told me what happened and said we will have to watch the transactions on our credit card. I sorta remembered what he said but sorta didn't. It didn't dawn on me until the next morning (get the pun?) that the card that was compromised was MINE.
A quick call to the card company at 8:00 AM confirmed my fears. There were 2 transactions that happened around 3AM...one to a music download site and the other to a place where for 39.99 you can get all sort of legal, police and other records. THAT'S the site that scares me the most. The credit card company cancelled my card. But now, I must contact the other credit card companies about our other cards and I need to call the credit reporting agencies too to issue a fraud alert and make sure that there hasn't been any suspicious things going on with our personal and financial information. Plus, I must contact the bank to ensure that our money can't be spirited away.
Oh, and the credit card company is now investigating cause it's truly a case of credit card fraud.
Honestly, I am frightened.
But thanks for reading, cause it helps me to write about it.
If you are a praying person, please send up one for me. I can use all of them right now....
Western Union was calling. To ask if we had a particular card because there was a suspicious transaction about to occur or had already occurred.
Someone overseas has my credit card information. My DH doesn't know that I have this card so he told the person on the other end that he didn't have that card. He came to bed, and me..realizing that I didn't lose someone dear to my heart, sorta fell back to sleep. He told me what happened and said we will have to watch the transactions on our credit card. I sorta remembered what he said but sorta didn't. It didn't dawn on me until the next morning (get the pun?) that the card that was compromised was MINE.
A quick call to the card company at 8:00 AM confirmed my fears. There were 2 transactions that happened around 3AM...one to a music download site and the other to a place where for 39.99 you can get all sort of legal, police and other records. THAT'S the site that scares me the most. The credit card company cancelled my card. But now, I must contact the other credit card companies about our other cards and I need to call the credit reporting agencies too to issue a fraud alert and make sure that there hasn't been any suspicious things going on with our personal and financial information. Plus, I must contact the bank to ensure that our money can't be spirited away.
Oh, and the credit card company is now investigating cause it's truly a case of credit card fraud.
Honestly, I am frightened.
But thanks for reading, cause it helps me to write about it.
If you are a praying person, please send up one for me. I can use all of them right now....
Saturday, October 14, 2006
The Windmill - a great day!
Today my friend, Penny, and I drove an hour and a half to The Windmill in Penn Yan, NY. It's a Mennonite market and craft market. The crafts are pretty kitsch-y but we go for the fresh produce and baked goods. Nothing like homemade goodies, especially when they are baked by someone else!!! It was very overcast, windy and down right cold. We had periogies for lunch from the Periogie Princess' Periogie Palace and we sampled mustards and pickles and dips. I bought apples, a purple cauliflower, brussel sprouts, some spices and homemade noodles. Plus, Amish Butter cheese, yum, and a very nice Angus chuck roast that probably was home grown down the road. It was a nice day to get out and get some fresh air and lay in provisions for the winter. (David wasn't too impressed with my purchases, he hates cauliflower and won't go near a brussel sprout. He did perk up at the mention of the roast though.)
Then, Penny and I drove to the Quilt Barn. What a treat for the eyes. This lovely Mennonite woman makes these gorgeous quilts and wallhangings and they are all hand stitched. I swear, before I die, I am going to make a quilt. I must! I love everything about quilts, and every time I see a very well executed, and handcrafted quilt, I just want it! But, alas, these are quite pricey...the one that I wanted was about a grand.
So, it was a good day. Fresh air, a great friend, periogies and quilts...only thing that's going to make this day better is stitching, which I plan on doing right after dinner. Good times!
Then, Penny and I drove to the Quilt Barn. What a treat for the eyes. This lovely Mennonite woman makes these gorgeous quilts and wallhangings and they are all hand stitched. I swear, before I die, I am going to make a quilt. I must! I love everything about quilts, and every time I see a very well executed, and handcrafted quilt, I just want it! But, alas, these are quite pricey...the one that I wanted was about a grand.
So, it was a good day. Fresh air, a great friend, periogies and quilts...only thing that's going to make this day better is stitching, which I plan on doing right after dinner. Good times!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Sampler House Exchange
Just a quick post, I wanted to upload a picture of my Sampler House Exchange from Annemiek! She stitched me the most adorable little pillow and added some scrumptious fabrics and a hank of Gloriana silk to round out the exchange. The little pillow is stitched on a gingham fabric over one thread in a very cool plum color silk. I love it! Annemiek, I will treasure it always!
I will do my best to get a closer picture of the pillow, I tried and the camera will not focus correctly...gr-r-rr-rr....
I will do my best to get a closer picture of the pillow, I tried and the camera will not focus correctly...gr-r-rr-rr....

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Halloween Exchanged Received!
I wanted to post a quick note about my Halloween Exchange for the Stitchers Blogger Exchange Board. I made Cathy a cute little doorknocker and I wanted to share the photo....

(I pinched the photo from Cathy's blog cause our camera is acting quiet wierd and I didn't get to take a snapshot before I mailed it to her.) I hope you don't mind, Cathy.
Anyway, I had a great time making it. I re-combined Lizzie*Kate's, Halloween Sampler into a one of a kind piece. I stitched it on 32 ct Silkweaver linen called *Poltergiest* with Weeks and GAST thread. I took it to CATS to work on in the lounge and I couldn't cause Cathy was sitting right next to me and I didn't want to spoil the surprise.
I am very glad it arrived in good shape and that she liked it! I think she likes the fuzzy batty socks that I included in the package the best though. They are quite stylish in a Halloween-y way.

(I pinched the photo from Cathy's blog cause our camera is acting quiet wierd and I didn't get to take a snapshot before I mailed it to her.) I hope you don't mind, Cathy.
Anyway, I had a great time making it. I re-combined Lizzie*Kate's, Halloween Sampler into a one of a kind piece. I stitched it on 32 ct Silkweaver linen called *Poltergiest* with Weeks and GAST thread. I took it to CATS to work on in the lounge and I couldn't cause Cathy was sitting right next to me and I didn't want to spoil the surprise.
I am very glad it arrived in good shape and that she liked it! I think she likes the fuzzy batty socks that I included in the package the best though. They are quite stylish in a Halloween-y way.
Baby it's going to get cold outside
I just listened to the news, we are supposed to get very cold and have snow flurries! I am NOT ready for snow! Not by a long shot! I am still living in late summer and I haven't put my shorts away yet. It's too early!
So, here's some photos of the autumn hillside that I took last weekend. I bet that by this weekend, most of the leaves will be on the ground and the trees will be bare.
This is a picture of our horses grazing in the pasture.

Maggie and the hillside vista:

The view from my sunroom:

And progress on Autumn Leaves by Prairie Schooler, an SAL that Patti and Cathy and I are working on.

It's too early for WINTER!!!
So, here's some photos of the autumn hillside that I took last weekend. I bet that by this weekend, most of the leaves will be on the ground and the trees will be bare.
This is a picture of our horses grazing in the pasture.

Maggie and the hillside vista:

The view from my sunroom:

And progress on Autumn Leaves by Prairie Schooler, an SAL that Patti and Cathy and I are working on.

It's too early for WINTER!!!
Monday, October 09, 2006
How to tell if you are truly obsessed....
Obsession...the dictionary defines obsession as:
the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.
I, however, describe obsession the following way...
1. Need one skein of DMC 3011 to completely kit a project.
2. Rip apart every kitted project and every bag of DMC that's stashed in the closet and rummage through all the plastic shoe boxes of specialty fibers because I am sure that I HAVE that color someplace in my stash, because afterall, I own EVERY color of DMC ever created, RIGHT?
3. After searching for what seems to be hours, finally give up and admit that no, I don't own every color DMC ever made. I am missing the number 3011.
4. Make the decision to go to AC Moore after work to pick up 3011.
5. Breath a sigh of relief cause now, I can rest easy knowing my kitted project will be complete after work on Monday.
6. Leave work and drive the dreaded parkway which has a billion loonies driving on it during rush hour and road rage is rampant.
7. Drive into AC Moore's parking lot, which is really WALMART's (that should give you a clue as how full the lot is) and 30 other stores parking lot.
8. Play dodge cars with old folks on their way to the Country Buffet for dinner, who should have their licenses revoked because they are ancient and besides all that, the Country Buffet serves bad food. (Country Buffet is affectionately known in our house as Country Barffet).
9. Realize that it's a school holiday and everyone is shopping with their kids - at WalMart.
10. While dodging parents and kids, circle the lot near AC MOORE and FINALLY find a parking place.
11. Go into AC Moore and fight the parents and kids to walk down the aisle to the cross stitch supplies conveniently located at the rear corner of the store.
12. Eureka! 3011 is in stock! Hear the angels singing?
13. Dig deep in the bin to find a *clean* skein. That means one that you believe no one or their kid has handled besides you.
14. Fight my way back to the register with that ONE skein of floss.
15. Get to the register only to realize that there are 3 open registers each with 4 people in line. Did everyone in the store decide to checkout at the same time?
16. Try to get in the line with the people that have the least amount to purchase. (I think you know that I picked the WRONG line.)
17. Stand in line while the cashier messes up a gift card / credit card transaction and now has to void the purchase to begin again.
18. Begin to wave that lonely skein in the air hoping that someone will take pity on me and let me go ahead of them. FAT CHANCE.
19. Twenty five (!) minutes later- leave the parking lot (after dodging traffic, kids and old people) with that lonely skein of 3011 after refusing a plastic bag the size of a small country and the AC Moore sale flier. (I know that I will not be going back there anytime soon.)
20. Pull into the driveway a full hour later than normal, all because I wanted a skein of 3011 that I paid 31 cents for so I could rest easy knowing my project is complete and ready to stitch.
THAT, my friend, is OBSESSION.
the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.
I, however, describe obsession the following way...
1. Need one skein of DMC 3011 to completely kit a project.
2. Rip apart every kitted project and every bag of DMC that's stashed in the closet and rummage through all the plastic shoe boxes of specialty fibers because I am sure that I HAVE that color someplace in my stash, because afterall, I own EVERY color of DMC ever created, RIGHT?
3. After searching for what seems to be hours, finally give up and admit that no, I don't own every color DMC ever made. I am missing the number 3011.
4. Make the decision to go to AC Moore after work to pick up 3011.
5. Breath a sigh of relief cause now, I can rest easy knowing my kitted project will be complete after work on Monday.
6. Leave work and drive the dreaded parkway which has a billion loonies driving on it during rush hour and road rage is rampant.
7. Drive into AC Moore's parking lot, which is really WALMART's (that should give you a clue as how full the lot is) and 30 other stores parking lot.
8. Play dodge cars with old folks on their way to the Country Buffet for dinner, who should have their licenses revoked because they are ancient and besides all that, the Country Buffet serves bad food. (Country Buffet is affectionately known in our house as Country Barffet).
9. Realize that it's a school holiday and everyone is shopping with their kids - at WalMart.
10. While dodging parents and kids, circle the lot near AC MOORE and FINALLY find a parking place.
11. Go into AC Moore and fight the parents and kids to walk down the aisle to the cross stitch supplies conveniently located at the rear corner of the store.
12. Eureka! 3011 is in stock! Hear the angels singing?
13. Dig deep in the bin to find a *clean* skein. That means one that you believe no one or their kid has handled besides you.
14. Fight my way back to the register with that ONE skein of floss.
15. Get to the register only to realize that there are 3 open registers each with 4 people in line. Did everyone in the store decide to checkout at the same time?
16. Try to get in the line with the people that have the least amount to purchase. (I think you know that I picked the WRONG line.)
17. Stand in line while the cashier messes up a gift card / credit card transaction and now has to void the purchase to begin again.
18. Begin to wave that lonely skein in the air hoping that someone will take pity on me and let me go ahead of them. FAT CHANCE.
19. Twenty five (!) minutes later- leave the parking lot (after dodging traffic, kids and old people) with that lonely skein of 3011 after refusing a plastic bag the size of a small country and the AC Moore sale flier. (I know that I will not be going back there anytime soon.)
20. Pull into the driveway a full hour later than normal, all because I wanted a skein of 3011 that I paid 31 cents for so I could rest easy knowing my project is complete and ready to stitch.
THAT, my friend, is OBSESSION.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
It was a beautiful day!
Today was a great autumn day in Upstate NY. The sky was a brilliant blue and the hillsides were ablaze with oranges, burgundies and gold. It is so pretty here during this time of the year. Autumn is my favorite time.
I uploaded a couple of pictures from CATS. Patti, Nancy and I spent Saturday morning at Chocolate World. I felt like I was 9 again! Too fun!
I uploaded a couple of pictures from CATS. Patti, Nancy and I spent Saturday morning at Chocolate World. I felt like I was 9 again! Too fun!

Another must have!
Have you seen this from Carriagehouse Samplings?!!!

I had to post this find.
It's going on the wish list...Attic Needlework is offering the chart, the fabric and the silks as their October special....it's so tempting to order it but I'll be good, I promise.
I am an Autumn lover, pumpkins, sunflowers, leaves, the colors, smells, the crisp air....maybe that's what my Heaven will be like.
Today in Upstate NY the weather is sublime..it's cool but not cold and the sky is that bright blue color that you only see during this time of the year, the leaves are at their peak and it's a great day to be putzing about the yard. David has been mowing the lawn, hopefully for the last time and I've pulled out all the tomato plants from the garden. We had a frost last night and they didn't survive it. That's ok though, cause they are spent.
I've done some laundry and housework and now, I am taking a break from Fall decorating. I've done my porch, I've put my sunflower wreath on the door and put a large pot of silk mums and my fake pumpkins next to the door on an old wooden chair I salvaged just for that purpose. And I dragged up the box of autumn / halloween goods from the dungeon, opps...I meant basement..Ahem. I'm going to work on my kitchen shelf next. After I get through puttering about with that, I may take a nap or sit down and work on a bit o'needlework.
Thanks everyone for your comments on Welcome Spot and Light Your Way. I love the way they came out and I appreciate all the good things you say about my passion.
Talk with all of you again soon!

I had to post this find.
It's going on the wish list...Attic Needlework is offering the chart, the fabric and the silks as their October special....it's so tempting to order it but I'll be good, I promise.
I am an Autumn lover, pumpkins, sunflowers, leaves, the colors, smells, the crisp air....maybe that's what my Heaven will be like.
Today in Upstate NY the weather is sublime..it's cool but not cold and the sky is that bright blue color that you only see during this time of the year, the leaves are at their peak and it's a great day to be putzing about the yard. David has been mowing the lawn, hopefully for the last time and I've pulled out all the tomato plants from the garden. We had a frost last night and they didn't survive it. That's ok though, cause they are spent.
I've done some laundry and housework and now, I am taking a break from Fall decorating. I've done my porch, I've put my sunflower wreath on the door and put a large pot of silk mums and my fake pumpkins next to the door on an old wooden chair I salvaged just for that purpose. And I dragged up the box of autumn / halloween goods from the dungeon, opps...I meant basement..Ahem. I'm going to work on my kitchen shelf next. After I get through puttering about with that, I may take a nap or sit down and work on a bit o'needlework.
Thanks everyone for your comments on Welcome Spot and Light Your Way. I love the way they came out and I appreciate all the good things you say about my passion.
Talk with all of you again soon!
Hi again,
Thanks for all your nice messages from yesterday's post. When I am sick, I like to be coddled and sympathized in all my misery. You guys are amazing when it comes to making me feel better!
Patti, I didn't get my cold from you. My partner at work passed it on to me prior to CATS, I had a scratchy throat when I was with you so it was a matter of time before this blew up into a full head & chest cold. Tom was hacking up a lung at work and there were a number of others who I sit near that were snuffling and sneezing too. You were not contagious when I was with you cause your cold was in full bloom and you were well past the incubation period for me to pick it up from you.
My main source of frustration for the post was that I was looking for stuff and I couldn't find what I needed. I am also frustrated at the lack of construction on my house and with the holidays approaching, it's going to put a damper on the decorating. I usually go all out during the Fall and Winter months with all my decorations, this year I've only put things out on my console table in the new room. I am wondering where I am going to put my Christmas tree. Usually it goes up Thanksgiving weekend and it's set up in front of our big living room windows. This year, God willing, we will be in the throes of window installation, so I'm not sure where I am going to put it so that I don't impede the construction guys. My DH says that I should make the guys work around the decorations but I have ornaments on that tree that are antique and some that mean a lot to me and I don't want to run the risk of having them broken. I am very tired of my house being in such a state of dishevelment and disruption.
Ok, enough whining...onto the photos (blogger willing)
Light Your Way:

Welcome Spot:

I will take a better photo of Light Your Way, I want you to see the cool frame. It's really neat and I love it!
I also tried to post photos from CATS but I'll have to later. Blogger isn't letting me upload more than 2 images and I'll have to mess getting them into Picture Trail and uploading them from there.
I also started a Prairie Schooler design, Autumn Song. Patti, Cathy and I are going to do a SAL and I began it yesterday..OVER ONE. Oh, it's really teeny and I am happy with how it's working out. I am using my magnifier and it's on 28 count fabric so I am not burning my eyes out of my head trying to see where to place the stitches. Plus, I am taking my time and being really careful. I don't want to frog this at all!
Ok, I have to attack Mount Dirty Clothes and I have to vacuum cause we have enough dog hair blowing around to make a chihauhua...see you later!
Thanks for the comments, it's nice to hear from all of you!
Thanks for all your nice messages from yesterday's post. When I am sick, I like to be coddled and sympathized in all my misery. You guys are amazing when it comes to making me feel better!
Patti, I didn't get my cold from you. My partner at work passed it on to me prior to CATS, I had a scratchy throat when I was with you so it was a matter of time before this blew up into a full head & chest cold. Tom was hacking up a lung at work and there were a number of others who I sit near that were snuffling and sneezing too. You were not contagious when I was with you cause your cold was in full bloom and you were well past the incubation period for me to pick it up from you.
My main source of frustration for the post was that I was looking for stuff and I couldn't find what I needed. I am also frustrated at the lack of construction on my house and with the holidays approaching, it's going to put a damper on the decorating. I usually go all out during the Fall and Winter months with all my decorations, this year I've only put things out on my console table in the new room. I am wondering where I am going to put my Christmas tree. Usually it goes up Thanksgiving weekend and it's set up in front of our big living room windows. This year, God willing, we will be in the throes of window installation, so I'm not sure where I am going to put it so that I don't impede the construction guys. My DH says that I should make the guys work around the decorations but I have ornaments on that tree that are antique and some that mean a lot to me and I don't want to run the risk of having them broken. I am very tired of my house being in such a state of dishevelment and disruption.
Ok, enough whining...onto the photos (blogger willing)
Light Your Way:

Welcome Spot:

I will take a better photo of Light Your Way, I want you to see the cool frame. It's really neat and I love it!
I also tried to post photos from CATS but I'll have to later. Blogger isn't letting me upload more than 2 images and I'll have to mess getting them into Picture Trail and uploading them from there.
I also started a Prairie Schooler design, Autumn Song. Patti, Cathy and I are going to do a SAL and I began it yesterday..OVER ONE. Oh, it's really teeny and I am happy with how it's working out. I am using my magnifier and it's on 28 count fabric so I am not burning my eyes out of my head trying to see where to place the stitches. Plus, I am taking my time and being really careful. I don't want to frog this at all!
Ok, I have to attack Mount Dirty Clothes and I have to vacuum cause we have enough dog hair blowing around to make a chihauhua...see you later!
Thanks for the comments, it's nice to hear from all of you!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
My life is out of control!!!
Well, I apologize for not posting the last few days. I have developed a cold (from Typhoid Tom at work...) and I am a bit under the weather right now. I did want to share though a few things...I picked up Drawn Thread's Welcome Spot and Blackbird Designs, Light Your Way! I love both of them! Pictures soon, as the weather's been dark so photos I took were not great.
And I finished an exchange and will be posting the picture soon, once it gets to my partner. So, mini happy dances are happening in New York.
But...my life at home is totally out of control...everywhere I look there is something out of place, lurking in corners, bags...under the furniture and just everywhere. Normally, I am a pretty neat person. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a neat freak. We live in our house and if you've been in my house, you know that dust and clutter are just family members. I'm blaming my weekend at CATS. While I was gone, the dust bunnies bred, the laundry grew from a molehill to a mountain and my stash escaped from the confines of craft room because I was playing in it prior to CATS and I came back and got stash mail while I was gone...yes, I know...more stash, like I don't have ENOUGH already. And let's not even go where the DH and DS did this weekend...let's say bachelorhood is a polite description of their weekend while I was gone to Hershey. They both let that slob gene that they share have free reign of their brains and the aftermath, well, isn't so pretty.
I guess I know what I'll be doing tomorrow, in between blowing my nose and trying desperately to breath. I feel like I am breathing in water, and breathing is HARD right now.
SO, hope you'll stop by and leave a message. I miss you guys!
And I finished an exchange and will be posting the picture soon, once it gets to my partner. So, mini happy dances are happening in New York.
But...my life at home is totally out of control...everywhere I look there is something out of place, lurking in corners, bags...under the furniture and just everywhere. Normally, I am a pretty neat person. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a neat freak. We live in our house and if you've been in my house, you know that dust and clutter are just family members. I'm blaming my weekend at CATS. While I was gone, the dust bunnies bred, the laundry grew from a molehill to a mountain and my stash escaped from the confines of craft room because I was playing in it prior to CATS and I came back and got stash mail while I was gone...yes, I know...more stash, like I don't have ENOUGH already. And let's not even go where the DH and DS did this weekend...let's say bachelorhood is a polite description of their weekend while I was gone to Hershey. They both let that slob gene that they share have free reign of their brains and the aftermath, well, isn't so pretty.
I guess I know what I'll be doing tomorrow, in between blowing my nose and trying desperately to breath. I feel like I am breathing in water, and breathing is HARD right now.
SO, hope you'll stop by and leave a message. I miss you guys!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Well, I am home from CATS...I can't believe it's already over. The weekend just flew by. I left on Thursday morning, thinking that the 4 days would just stretch on forever but here I am back home...with fond memories.
The trip down to Hershey was uneventful until I got of I-81 and MapQuests directions no longer were right. The mileage was all wrong and of course, the skies opened up and it POURED as I was driving somewhat LOST. I passed the amusement park and I found myself driving in farm country...lots of open fields...I guess Hershey Park grew out of the farmer's fields! Anyway, I couldn't see to drive, I was approaching I-83 and I got scared, I thought that I missed a turn or I messed up somehow,so I turned around and went to the Outlets...No, not to shop but to ask directions. The nice guy at Nautica told me how to get to the hotel, I just hadn't gone far enough and I MADE it...a little jittery but OK. You have to understand, this is like the 4th time in my life that I've driven somewhere by myself other than going to Pittsburgh. There, I met up with Nancy from GloryBee designs (what a sweetie) and Patti, from Stitching in Lobster Land. After we said hello, it was like we had been friends all our lives...TOO COOL! We got dinner and went SHOPPING!!! I did some serious damage to my checkbook that evening, I purchased a La-D-Da pattern and a Plum Street pattern from Mimi's Attic, and the new Prairie Schooler designs from the Silver Needle, R&R fabric from a local vendor. Let me tell you, photos on the internet do not do these pattern justice! They are phenomenal up close and personal! The Prairie Schooler's were done OVER ONE and they are the teeniest tiniest stitched pieces. I declared that I am now going to do everything over one after seeing them.
On Friday, we had breakfast with Carol and her husband, Mike. It was nice to meet them. What a great couple! Then it was off to class. I had a hardanger class with Lori Birmingham. WHAT A GREAT class!!! I found out that I actually can DO Hardanger. Lori is so funny and she is a great teacher. We practiced Kloster blocks and actually cut the fabric (she has a great technique that she shared) and wove the bars and created a dove's eye on a doodle cloth. That class was worth every cent. The lady sitting next to me was from my neck of the woods so we chatted for a bit until we were asked by another stitcher to stop...how embarrassing!
Sue (Red's Thread) came up from Virginia for the day, we had a blast together! We went shopping (more fabric, Sweetheart Tree patterns that we swear we are going to do as a SAL together) and once again, it was like we were friends forever. Once our wallets cried too loudly, we went to dinner with Patti and Nancy and settled down into the Stitching Lounge until Sue had to leave for home. I really didn't want her to go...we were having TOO MUCH FUN!
Saturday, I went shopping (again) and stitched a little in the morning with Patti and Nancy. Then I went to my beaded bracelet class where I discovered I had 10 thumbs and no control over the 7 foot of thread to stitch the beads onto to make the base of the bracelet. Although I liked the design and once I got into a groove, I realize that beading really isn't for me. I know my husband would breath a great sigh of relief if he could read this blog, I am not going to be bringing home beads.
Saturday night, Patti, Nance and I met up with KiwiJo and her husband Pete for dinner. We had a good time getting to know them and Jo shared her beautiful stitching with us. She brought some incredible pieces with her! Once we got back to the hotel, Pete went to watch football and the *girls* went to the lobby to stitch a bit. Nancy did a happy dance on the coffee table for finishing her exchange piece and as a reward, she started stitching Salem Sisters. Patti continued on CHS's Dainty Housewren and Jo stitched a cute zebra for her cousin.
I worked on an exchange.
So before I knew it, Sunday was here...the hotel was quiet, the stitcher's lounge and all the classrooms were turned back into banquet areas...and it was time to say good bye to Patti and Nancy. That was so sad! CATS was over...
We promised to meet again at my house in the Spring (if the remodeling EVER gets finished) and meet 1/2 between NY and Massachusetts to do our own stitch-in. I must say that I made wonderful friends this weekend, life-long friends (Patti, Nancy, Sue and Jo), got to meet up with other bloggers and shared our love of needlework. If you ever get the opportunity to attend a stitching weekend, be it CATS or Celebrations, don't hesitate! It's worth driving in the pouring rain, melting your credit card and using your grocery money! I have wonderful memories and I made WONDERFUL friends.
I'll post photos later...
And now, back to REAL life...pfffttt!
The trip down to Hershey was uneventful until I got of I-81 and MapQuests directions no longer were right. The mileage was all wrong and of course, the skies opened up and it POURED as I was driving somewhat LOST. I passed the amusement park and I found myself driving in farm country...lots of open fields...I guess Hershey Park grew out of the farmer's fields! Anyway, I couldn't see to drive, I was approaching I-83 and I got scared, I thought that I missed a turn or I messed up somehow,so I turned around and went to the Outlets...No, not to shop but to ask directions. The nice guy at Nautica told me how to get to the hotel, I just hadn't gone far enough and I MADE it...a little jittery but OK. You have to understand, this is like the 4th time in my life that I've driven somewhere by myself other than going to Pittsburgh. There, I met up with Nancy from GloryBee designs (what a sweetie) and Patti, from Stitching in Lobster Land. After we said hello, it was like we had been friends all our lives...TOO COOL! We got dinner and went SHOPPING!!! I did some serious damage to my checkbook that evening, I purchased a La-D-Da pattern and a Plum Street pattern from Mimi's Attic, and the new Prairie Schooler designs from the Silver Needle, R&R fabric from a local vendor. Let me tell you, photos on the internet do not do these pattern justice! They are phenomenal up close and personal! The Prairie Schooler's were done OVER ONE and they are the teeniest tiniest stitched pieces. I declared that I am now going to do everything over one after seeing them.
On Friday, we had breakfast with Carol and her husband, Mike. It was nice to meet them. What a great couple! Then it was off to class. I had a hardanger class with Lori Birmingham. WHAT A GREAT class!!! I found out that I actually can DO Hardanger. Lori is so funny and she is a great teacher. We practiced Kloster blocks and actually cut the fabric (she has a great technique that she shared) and wove the bars and created a dove's eye on a doodle cloth. That class was worth every cent. The lady sitting next to me was from my neck of the woods so we chatted for a bit until we were asked by another stitcher to stop...how embarrassing!
Sue (Red's Thread) came up from Virginia for the day, we had a blast together! We went shopping (more fabric, Sweetheart Tree patterns that we swear we are going to do as a SAL together) and once again, it was like we were friends forever. Once our wallets cried too loudly, we went to dinner with Patti and Nancy and settled down into the Stitching Lounge until Sue had to leave for home. I really didn't want her to go...we were having TOO MUCH FUN!
Saturday, I went shopping (again) and stitched a little in the morning with Patti and Nancy. Then I went to my beaded bracelet class where I discovered I had 10 thumbs and no control over the 7 foot of thread to stitch the beads onto to make the base of the bracelet. Although I liked the design and once I got into a groove, I realize that beading really isn't for me. I know my husband would breath a great sigh of relief if he could read this blog, I am not going to be bringing home beads.
Saturday night, Patti, Nance and I met up with KiwiJo and her husband Pete for dinner. We had a good time getting to know them and Jo shared her beautiful stitching with us. She brought some incredible pieces with her! Once we got back to the hotel, Pete went to watch football and the *girls* went to the lobby to stitch a bit. Nancy did a happy dance on the coffee table for finishing her exchange piece and as a reward, she started stitching Salem Sisters. Patti continued on CHS's Dainty Housewren and Jo stitched a cute zebra for her cousin.
I worked on an exchange.
So before I knew it, Sunday was here...the hotel was quiet, the stitcher's lounge and all the classrooms were turned back into banquet areas...and it was time to say good bye to Patti and Nancy. That was so sad! CATS was over...
We promised to meet again at my house in the Spring (if the remodeling EVER gets finished) and meet 1/2 between NY and Massachusetts to do our own stitch-in. I must say that I made wonderful friends this weekend, life-long friends (Patti, Nancy, Sue and Jo), got to meet up with other bloggers and shared our love of needlework. If you ever get the opportunity to attend a stitching weekend, be it CATS or Celebrations, don't hesitate! It's worth driving in the pouring rain, melting your credit card and using your grocery money! I have wonderful memories and I made WONDERFUL friends.
I'll post photos later...
And now, back to REAL life...pfffttt!
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